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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 03 January 2012
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844487264
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 222x222 mm
  • Illustrations: 100
  • Pages: 64
  • RRP: $12.95
  • Series: Design Library
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Design Library: Art Nouveau Designs (DL01)


by Penny Brown

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

One of the first titles in the Design Library series, this book is packed with inspiration for all your projects, whether they be cards, quilts, stitched designs, collages, mixed media or ceramic pieces, pictures, panels or paintings. Penny Brown presents 100 original beautifully flowing and sensuous Art Nouveau designs which can be combined with other images, or enlarged and used as the main theme for a special piece of work. Figures, flowers, plants, birds and other stylised images adorn the pages offering many ideas and there are gorgeous frames, borders, patterns and ideas in abundance. If you thinking of new projects and you need a starting point, look no further. This wonderful source book will fire your imagination and give you all the help you need to create stunning, original works of art.
All the designs, which have been specially adapted for artists and craftspeople of all kinds, are included in high-resolution Jpeg format on a free CD.

Table of Contents

Free CD included
100 designs
Inspiration for all your craft projects

About the Author

About Penny Brown

Penny Brown is a highly-experienced illustrator and a prize winning botanical artist who works in a variety of media to capture the beauty and complexity of the natural world. She exhibits her botanical paintings and drawings with The Society of Botanical Artists (SBA) in London, Frankfurt and Spain.

Her work has appeared in close to one hundred books, and she has won several awards, including the prestigious President’s Prize at the SBA exhibition. She is also a member of The South West Society of Botanical Artists. Penny's previous titles for Search Press, Botanical Drawing and Draw 100 Flowers have sold over 30,000 copies in total.

Visit her website:


Workshop On The Web

Dec 12

Art Nouveau Designs and Art Deco Designs: Both these books, published as part of Search Presss Design Library, feature new designs relating to the Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods. There is a good variety of designs here. In Art Deco, these include figures, animals and floral motifs. Quite a few of the designs were bold, there were some iconic Art Deco designs, and a good number would translate well to textile design. Art Nouveau Flowers also held a variety of styles, with several suitable for creating stencils. I could also see sections that would be striking (leaves for example), and the borders had some bold shapes that could be developed further. If either of these periods appeals to you in terms of the work you do, then they would be a useful addition to your library.

Patchwork & Quilting

June 12

...a rich source for appliqué and embroidery.

April 12

Looking for an inexpensive design source book? Here is the first in a new series, each one also containing a CD ROM featuring all the motifs in both .jpeg and .tiff format. This first entry features a hundred original art nouveau designs. These books are just so useful and easy to use. The first page has a thumbnail sketch of the art nouveau movement, and the rest is the designs themselves. No words are needed, just a line drawing or two on each page to fire your imagination. You can find borders, frames and motifs covering all the themes expected from this movement. There are ladies with flowing tresses, stylized writhing vegetation and flowers, bugs, butterflies and birds and mythical beasties galore. These are not copyright free, but the small print at the back permits you to use up to fifteen of the drawings on a single project; it is only courtesy to quote where they came from. What sort of projects you use them on it up to you, but even a quick flick through a book like this usually gets me grabbing a pad of paper and a pencil. I cant wait to see the rest of the titles in this new series.

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Also by this author:

Draw 100: Flowers

By Janet Whittle & Penny Brown

Botanical Drawing

By Penny Brown

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