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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback Flexi-binding
  • Publication: 03 January 2017
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782211808
  • Carton Qty: 30
  • Size: 210x228 mm
  • Illustrations: 900
  • Pages: 128
  • RRP: $19.95
  • Series: A-Z of Needlecraft
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A-Z of Wool Embroidery


The ultimate resource for beginners and experienced embroiderers by Country Bumpkin

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

The A-Z of Wool Embroidery is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in this field of needlecraft.

Part of the bestselling A-Z series, this title explores the handiest stitches and techniques for use in the practice of wool embroidery.

Clear step-by-step instructions lead the reader through the stitches themselves; and beautiful designs created by readers of Inspirations magazines in Australia aid the reader in putting the techniques into practice.

A great accompaniment and follow-on to the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches.

Table of Contents

General information 4

Stitches and techniques
Algerian eye stitch 6
Back stitch 7
Battlement couching 8
Berlin work 9
Blanket stitch 10
Blanket stitch detached 11
Blanket stitch looped 12
Blanket stitch pinwheel 12
Blanket stitch twisted detached 14
Brick and cross filling 15
Bullion knot 16
Bullion knot loop 17
Bullion knot rose 18
Canvas work 20
Chain stitch 20
Cloud filling stitch 21
Colonial knot 22
Coral stitch 23
Couching 24
Cretan stitch 25
Crewel embroidery 26
Cross stitch 27
Detached back stitch 28
Detached chain 29
Ermine filling stitch 30
Fishbone stitch 30
Florentine embroidery 31
Fly stitch 31
Fly stitch leaves 32
French knot 33
Ghiordes knot 33
Granitos 35
Laid work 36
Long and short stitch 37
Moss stitch 38
Needlepoint 39
Outline stitch 39
Palestrina stitch 40
Pompom 41
Rope stitch 42
Rosette stitch 43
Roumanian stitch 44
Running stitch 45
Satin stitch 46
Scroll stitch 47
Seed stitch 47
Soft shading 48
Spider web rose 49
Split stitch 50
Split back stitch 50
Stem stitch 51
Stem stitch whipped 51
Straight gobelin stitch 52
Straight stitch 52
Tent stitch continental 53
Tent stitch half cross 54
Trellis couching 55
Velvet stitch 56
Wool rose 57
Woven filling stitch 59

Designs 60

Patterns 112

Index 126

Acknowledgements 128

About the Author

About Country Bumpkin

Compiled by the expert team at Country Bumpkin, renowned Australian publishers of embroidery books and magazines.


The A-Z Series is being reprinted as classics and form a veritable library of easy-to-use comprehensive guides that have stood the test of time. This one is all about the stitches used in wool embroidery and how you can incorporate them into stitch designs. Instructions are clear with numerous stitches shown in photos plus tips and more. 60 stitches are shown with step-by-step instructions. The book is further enhanced with project designs that you can follow. The designs are mainly of flowers or animals and use a variety of stitches. I like the Crewel Sampler by Jean Harry and the Pansy by Carolyn Pearce. The patterns for all 29 designs are given at the back of the book.

East Kent Embroiderers Guild

Continuing the excellent A-Z series this latest title covers all aspects of the craft of embroidery using soft wool threads.  At least fifty stitch techniques are presented followed by a further fifty designs, which can be stitched or adapted as desired using the full-size patterns given.  Step-by-step instructions in glorious colour photography make this a useful and inspiring book for all embroiderers.

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Also by this author:

A-Z of Embroidered Motifs

By Country Bumpkin

A-Z of Whitework

By Country Bumpkin

A-Z of Needlepoint

By Country Bumpkin

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