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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 04 February 2010
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844484546
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 216x292 mm
  • Illustrations: 350
  • Pages: 88
  • RRP: $19.95
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Ready to Paint the Masters: Van Gogh


in acrylics by Michael Sanders

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Learn to paint like the masters in this inspiring series. In this title, Michael Sanders shows how to paint three of Van Gogh's masterpieces in acrylics, and two further projects show how to paint in the style of Van Gogh. Tracings are provided to eliminate the drawing stage.

The Ready to Paint The Masters series shows readers how to paint in the style of their favourite painter. Michael Sanders shows how to reproduce three famous paintings by Vincent Van Gogh, using step by step photographs and detailed instructions. He then paints two further compositions of his own, using the style and techniques of Van Gogh. Six tracings are provided for readers to pull out and transfer on to the painting surface: one for each project plus a bonus tracing. Michael Sanders has studied and reproduced many of Van Gogh's works as an artistic exercise, and has gained insight into the painter's methods, right down to individual brush strokes. Lovers of Van Gogh's amazing paintings can now learn how to paint their favourites using acrylic paints.

Table of Contents

Van Gogh6
Transferring the image11
Step by step
Chair With Pipe22
Step by step
Wheat Field With Cypresses30
Step by step
Provence Lavender40
Step by step
Working the Land52
Step by step

About the Author

About Michael Sanders

Michael Sanders studied graphic art at Plymouth College of Art and Ceramics at Bristol University. He went on to become a graphic artist and signwriter, then a potter, tutor and professional artist. He taught and ran painting holidays in the UK and Europe and regularly wrote articles for art magazines. He loved boats and travelling, and enjoyed music, the theatre and teaching art. Michael died in 2014.


Apr 10

Here is the first entry in a brand new series from the people who brought you the revolutionary (and award winning) Ready To Paint series. Now you can learn to paint like the masters, and discover how they painted their world famous masterpieces. I own an excellent book on Chinese painting that describes the traditional way of learning how to paint in China - copying masterpieces. I confess to doing quite a bit of that myself when I learned how to draw and paint, and of course this is part of what makes the original Ready To Paint series so good. This goes a step further, and gives you the skills to make your own copies of famous paintings, learning as you do what makes them so special. There is also a brief history of Van Gogh in here, and a list of what you will need and how to transfer the tracings. As with the others in the series there are six of them, and five of these are staged projects. Of course Van Gogh did not paint in acrylics as they had not been invented back then, but here is how to use these versatile paints like oils but quicker drying and more forgiving. Pictures here include the famous Sunflowers, as well as three landscapes, Chair With Pipe and another floral study as the final unstaged project. I love the way each project lists all the paints you need and the exact brushes so you can go and buy them with minimum fuss, and all those stages with their clear photographs and short, user-friendly captions. Unlike paint by numbers you get to think about what you are doing every step of the way, and before you know it a completed painting sits before you - magic! I hope this series runs and runs.

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