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  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 16 July 2012
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844487073
  • Carton Qty:
  • Size: 155x215 mm
  • Illustrations: 50
  • Pages: 48
  • RRP: $9.95
  • Series: Twenty to Make
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20 to Knit: Knitted Beanies


by Susie Johns

Edelweiss Buy Now
Book Description

Beanies are a winter favourite among home knitters, and here Susie Johns shows you how to knit them using the simple patterns in this book. Susie's designs are fun, fresh and inspiring, and will appeal to a wide range of knitters. From traditional to contemporary, fun and funky and knitted in bright, vibrant yarns to muted pastels, there is something for everyone.

Susie has designed patterns suitable for men, women, children and babies; for a relaxed look, go for the oversized Slouch Beanie, a little girl would love the cute Charm Beanie, choose the soft, cream Baby Beanie for a new arrival and the Beastie Beanie for a fun-loving lad! Knitted beanies also make fantastic gifts for special friends and relatives.

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
Techniques 6
Very Easy Beanie 8
Button Beanie 10
Beret Beanie 12
Blossom Beanie 14
Charm Beanie 16
Beastie Beanie 18
Panda Beanie 20
Rolled Up Beanie 22
Long, Cool Beanie 24
Pompom Beanie 26
Big Beret Beanie 28
Flower Power Beanie 30
Slouch Beanie 32
Rainbow Beanie 34
Lacy Beanie 36
Knit Knit Beanie 38
Bow Beanie 40
Pigtails Beanie 42
Classic Beanie 44
Baby Beanie 46

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About the Author

About Susie Johns

Susie Johns is a hugely successful author of crochet, knitting, sewing and craft titles, with dozens of books under her belt. She is an experienced crafter, a wonderfully inventive designer, and has articles published regularly in mainstream crafting magazines.


Nov 12

Now the weather is getting colder it is time to think about some warm clothes. These twenty patterns for knitted beanie hats are great wardrobe extenders or presents and are sure to make the wearer look good on those chilly days and nights ahead. Not only all that but they are suitable for comparative beginners too. There are beanies for everybody in here; men, women, boys, girls and babies and most only take a couple of balls of wool. Choose from traditional, plain, pretty or cute styles to suit the wearer from beret types to flower adorned confections, a monster, a panda, stripes, pompoms, knitted plaits, bows and a rainbow. This is not a book that teaches knitting to the beginner but it does teach Swiss darning and explain various making-up methods and adornments such as pompoms, although not with diagrams for the latter. It also mentions in words how to work certain stitches, as well as what yarn to buy. Each project is split over two pages; one featuring a full-page photo of the item being worn and the other with the materials list and pattern. I was glad to see that it also gives tension, what needles to get and what sort of person for which it is sized, e.g. an adult woman, child aged 3-6, etc. Patterns are in word form not charted and do not, in keeping with the rest of this series, feature staged diagrams. As long as you can knit basic stitches, read a pattern and knows the basics you ought to find the projects in here possible. Many can use up oddments from other projects and make up quickly for surprise presents, stocking fillers or what I call makeweight gifts for when the main item, whatever it costs, is not very big! Come to think of it, this book might also be one of those if you can bear to part with it--better buy two and be on the safe side.

Amazon Customer

Aug 12

Excellent little book. I think this must be the first pattern book bought when I have liked ALL the patterns and may knit most of them - hopefully! Also, they will make nice Xmas presents (yes, it's on its way!) I would definitely recommend this book.

Oct 12

This book has been such a hit between Mum and I that we have now knitted three of the twenty hats! There is a really good mix of patterns. Everything from a pretty silly alien hat to the really sophisticated blossom beanie which Mum has been wearing with her usual panache I have, as yet, completed my two hats on two needles but there is a little lacy cap which would be a perfect project on which to try out a circular needle or even Some double end-eds!

The instructions are very clear and the amount of yarn needed is modest so these would make lovely presents, or the book a good gift for someone who is needing to build their knitting confidence. I am happy with my slouchy beret but tried to knit the other hat in fair isle, my tension was all shot which has distorted the shape. I have to stress this is my up-tight fault and in no way the fault of the pattern! I also like that these patterns can simply be knitted in a different wool weight to make the adult patterns suitable for children and vice versa. All in all another book shelf gem in this affordable range, as long as I can keep track of whose bookshelf it is currently upon; mother's or my own!

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Also by this author:

Embroidery for the Absolute Beginner

By Caroline Smith & Susie Johns

Tasty Knits

By Susan Penny & Susie Johns

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